Catalogue Auction information

2 Day Specialist Toys, Models and Video Games Sale - Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only(#255) 23/11/2020 10:30 AM GMT+1 CLOSED!

Lot 6145 of 548: Railway: Hornby R3324 LNER J50 class, R3465 LNER class N2 along with another R3465 body, no chassis, all in used condition. Boxed. Please study pictures for condition.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £60 - £80

2 Day Specialist Toys, Models and Video Games Sale - Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only(#255)  23/11/2020 10:30 AM GMT+1  CLOSED!