Catalogue Auction information

Specialist Toys, Dolls, Bears, Railway and Video Games Sale - Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only(#272) 05/02/2021 10:30 AM GMT CLOSED!

Lot 4073 of 230: Locomotive: A Gauge 3, 2 1/2 inch, 0-6-0, Locomotive and Tender, LNER, No. 5644, finished in black livery with gold and red outlined text. Well-engineered and scratch-built. No boiler certificate or documentation present. Total length of locomotive and tender: 29" approx. Service recommended. Please assess photographs.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £500 - £800

Specialist Toys, Dolls, Bears, Railway and Video Games Sale - Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only(#272)  05/02/2021 10:30 AM GMT  CLOSED!