Catalogue Auction information

2 day Historica: Coins, Banknotes & Antiquities Auction Live Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only NO ONLINE FEES ON HANSONSLIVE.CO.UK(#279) 25/02/2021 10:30 AM GMT CLOSED!

Lot 58 of 442: Anglo-Saxon Strap-End.    Circa 10th century AD. Size: 40.82 mm. A quality zoomorphic strap-end detailed with a large panel of niello inlay. Depicted within the panel is a beast looking back with its back legs and tail entwined to form ribbon type knot-work. The animal head terminal has a triangular panel of niello above the nose and two small crescent shaped ears. Ref: R. A. Smith, British Museum Guide to Anglo-Saxon Antiquities 1923. p. 107. fig, 3.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £40 - £60

2 day Historica: Coins, Banknotes & Antiquities Auction Live Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only NO ONLINE FEES ON HANSONSLIVE.CO.UK(#279)  25/02/2021 10:30 AM GMT  CLOSED!