Catalogue Auction information

2 day Historica, Coins & Antiquities Auction Live Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only NO ONLINE FEES ON HANSONSLIVE.CO.UK(#297) 20/05/2021 10:30 AM GMT CLOSED!

Lot 141 of 714: Medieval Pilgrims Badge.  Pewter, 43mm x 21mm, 1.8g. An open-work badge with a rectangular frame of rope style enclosing two facing busts, A crowned male bust left and female bust right divided by an upright decorated with pellets. The outer frame has two fixing loops. An unattributed type. Ref: for similar, see. Spencer, Medieval Catalogue part 2.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £60 - £80

2 day Historica, Coins & Antiquities Auction Live Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only NO ONLINE FEES ON HANSONSLIVE.CO.UK(#297)  20/05/2021 10:30 AM GMT  CLOSED!