Catalogue Auction information

2 day Historica, Coins & Antiquities Auction Live Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only NO ONLINE FEES ON HANSONSLIVE.CO.UK(#297) 20/05/2021 10:30 AM GMT CLOSED!

Lot 151 of 714: Medieval Pendant.  Circa 15th century AD. Silver, 1.95g. 18.99 mm. A silver gild open-work pendant depicting a ring of flowers enclosing a heart in the centre. The pendant is likely to be a devotion piece to Mary's immaculate heart, the flowers representing the rose given to Mary by the Angel Gabriel. Ref: for similar depictions see: Mitchiner, 1986. p. 175. no. 554-557. From an old English collection, ex A. P. Smith.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £60 - £80

2 day Historica, Coins & Antiquities Auction Live Webcast Only - Postage and Safe Click/Collect Only NO ONLINE FEES ON HANSONSLIVE.CO.UK(#297)  20/05/2021 10:30 AM GMT  CLOSED!