Catalogue Auction information

London Fine Art, Jewellery & Collectors Auction WEBCAST SALE(#336) 25/09/2021 10:30 AM GMT CLOSED!

Lot 211 of 410: George Bernard Shaw, Androcles And The Lion,  Overruled, Pygmalion, Constable Company Ltd, London 1916, inscribed to Eric Bedingfield from Bernard Shaw, together with W. Somerset Maugham, A Writer's Notebook, Heinemann Ltd 1949, bearing signature of the another on title page (2 BOOKS)

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £100 - £150

London Fine Art, Jewellery & Collectors Auction WEBCAST SALE(#336)  25/09/2021 10:30 AM GMT  CLOSED!