Catalogue Auction information

Ali Test Auction(#167) 08/05/2024 10:00 AM BST CLOSED!

Lot 206 of 381: A mixed lot of six silver hammered coins. Lot includes: broken cut halfpenny of Henry III (class 3) minted by HENRI at London, extremely worn Edwardian type longcross penny minted at Durham, broken and worn penny of Henry V (mullet to left of crown) minted at York, broken groat of Mary (1553-1554) lis initial mark-otherwise well struck, heavily worn and distorted threepence of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) with indistinguishable initial mark and a 'rose' type halfpenny of Charles I dating c. 1625-1649

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Lot closed - unsold
Estimate: £30 - £40

Ali Test Auction(#167)  08/05/2024 10:00 AM BST  CLOSED!