Catalogue Auction information

April Banbury Fine Art, Antiques, Collectors and Fine Art Monthly Auction - Webcast Auction(#399) 02/04/2022 9:30 AM GMT+1 CLOSED!

Lot 48 of 381: A silver bladed trowel with turned wooden handle, the blade inscribed ' Jacobo M Higginson arinigavo Provincia Plafecto Regio, Have Trullum, Qua Adis, Antiqua, Sancto Paulo Apostola, Denuo Dicate Primum lapidera posuit, in occossionis Lata memoriam D D D Parachia Rector, Odiles and concitium XV cal Feb A D MDCCCXLVII. Blade struck three times with a punch of upper case PA L31cm

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £200 - £300

April Banbury Fine Art, Antiques, Collectors and Fine Art Monthly Auction - Webcast Auction(#399)  02/04/2022 9:30 AM GMT+1  CLOSED!