Catalogue Auction information

July Collectables, Antiques and Textiles Auction - WEBCAST ONLY - VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY(#426) 06/07/2022 9:30 AM GMT+1 CLOSED!

Lot 23 of 229: An iconic dress worn by Dame Barbara Windsor. A blue and gold bodice and skirt with crinoline and accessories to include; tiara, earrings and a bag of mixed earring pieces and fastenings.. Designed by award-winning costume designer, Vin Burnham. *Bid for a breakthrough and support Alzheimer’s Research UK! These eye-catching outfits were worn by the late Dame Barbara Windsor, when she starred as the Queen of Bingo, in Jackpotjoy’s TV adverts from 2010 to 2017. The catalogue of regal pieces was

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A

July Collectables, Antiques and Textiles Auction - WEBCAST ONLY - VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY(#426)  06/07/2022 9:30 AM GMT+1  CLOSED!