Catalogue Auction information

Medals & Militaria Auction(#533) 15/06/2023 9:30 AM GMT+1 CLOSED!

Lot 45 of 426: WW1 casualty trio, awarded to Sapper Albert Frederick Cox 79 field. Company Royal Engineers. Spr A.F.Cox died from his wounds on May 20th 1917, and is commemorated at the Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux. Comprising of the 1914-15 Star, the British War Medal, and the Victory Medal. All correctly named to 34502 Spr A.E.Cox R.E. Condition: swing mounted for wear on original ribbons, excellent condition throughout.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A
Estimate: £60 - £80

Medals & Militaria Auction(#533)  15/06/2023 9:30 AM GMT+1  CLOSED!