Catalogue Auction information

Historica, Coins, banknotes and Antiquities. WEBCAST AND POSTAGE ONLY SALE Surcharge 3%.(#203) 06/05/2020 10:30 AM GMT+1 CLOSED!

Lot 114 of 597: Artefacts, Iron Age to Post-Medieval. Lot includes: a probable prehistoric to Roman copper-alloy awl, a Late Iron Age to early Roman looped cosmetic pestle, two Middle/Late Saxon hooked tags, a complete copper-alloy gilt Medieval harness pendant hanger of unusual form and a Post-Medieval hinge or chape fragment of probable 16th century date. Various conditions, some with old tickets and labels stating provenances/findspots.  Provenance: ex English collection.

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Lot closed - Winning bid:£30 (8 bids)
Estimate: £20 - £30

Historica, Coins, banknotes and Antiquities. WEBCAST AND POSTAGE ONLY SALE Surcharge 3%.(#203)  06/05/2020 10:30 AM GMT+1  CLOSED!